A month left to sign up and support the Growth Bid!

A month left to sign up and support the Growth Bid!

Following a successful Moray Growth Deal pitch to Scotland’s Under Secretary of State, Ian (Lord) Duncan yesterday (Thurs), Moray residents now have one month to have their say on the bid.

Lord Duncan met Moray Council representatives and local MP Douglas Ross in Elgin to hear details of the area’s Growth Fund Bid, and said he was highly impressed with the pitch.

Chair of Moray Council’s Economic Development and Infrastructure Committee and the Moray Economic Partnership, Cllr John Cowe, said the reaction from the Under Secretary will add weight to the bid, but it needs public and business support too.

“I’m greatly encouraged by Lord Duncan’s response to our bid,” he said.

“I hope this will spur our local residents to get behind the bid and complete the survey, as both governments will want to know it has public support before they commit to funding it.”

Success will see a multi-million pound investment in the area’s infrastructure and economy.

To help with the development of the bid, people living in Moray are being asked to participate in the survey which will end on 30th September. The completed surveys will be analysed and reflected in a report that will lead discussions with the Scottish and UK Governments.

The ‘My Moray’ campaign to support the bid was launched in July, and has seen strong levels of interest with residents attending local briefings and presentations as well as completing the survey at the My Moray stand at local events.

John Cowe added: “The My Moray campaign was launched to encourage people to get behind the Growth Deal and think about what the future of Moray will look like.

“From increased job opportunities, higher wages and better education to improved digital connectivity and better cultural offerings, we can work towards tangible improvements for residents and businesses if the Moray Growth Deal bid is successful.”

Please complete the short survey at www.mymoray.co.uk and share the link with your friends on your social media pages.

We're going for growth! UK and Scottish governments need to know there's public support for our Growth Fund bid, so show your support for our by completing a very short survey here .

Famous for its colony of dolphins, fabulous beaches and more malt whisky distilleries than any where else in Scotland, Moray is a thriving area and a great place to live. Nestling between Aberdeenshire and the Highlands, Moray stretches from Tomintoul in the south to the shores of the Moray Firth, from Keith in the east to Brodie Castle in the west.  

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