The scheme, which closes on 15 December, is offering grants up to £5,500.

Climate change grant scheme opens for Moray’s young people with great green ideas

A funding programme supporting ideas to mitigate climate change and its impact has opened to applications from young people in Moray.

The scheme, which closes on 15 December, is offering grants up to £5,500 and is administered by young people directly, with support from Moray Council Youth Work team. It aims to help youth-led groups buy equipment or materials to make their green ideas happen.

Eligible projects will be led by children and young people (aged 3-25) who are focussed on reducing their carbon footprint, creating a green space, or building resilience and finding ways to cope with changing climate demands. Funding awarded needs to be spent by 31 March 2024.

The projects could be supported with grants of £250 up to £5,500, with funding coming from the Scottish Government’s Just Transition Participatory Budgeting Fund. This delivers eco-friendly and sustainable initiatives across Moray, Aberdeen, and Aberdeenshire through organisations including the Money for Moray group.

Money for Moray was given £500,000 from the Just Transition programme and has allocated £50,000 of their budget to the youth element.

Jim Grant, Moray Council’s Head of Economic Growth & Development, welcomed the targeted funding support: “Money for Moray told us they felt it was important to get young people involved. This is very welcome because support like this is key to encouraging youth-led projects to realise their potential and use their imagination.

“This grant funding scheme will recognise young people who are driving climate transformation I hope as many young people as possible will go forward and apply and I look forward to seeing the initiatives and ideas happen.”

Echoing the sentiment, Moray Council’s Climate Change Champion, Cllr Draeyk van der Horn, said: “I am very excited that this fund offers an opportunity for young people to have a direct say and award projects they see as a priority and of value and it’s great that it comes in the same week as COP28 – the UN Climate Conference. It’s about time young people had more of a say in what is important to them as they will inherit a world based on the choices we make today. Young people need to be empowered to have a say in that future. This fund will help them look critically at what we’re doing to the world around us and find solutions that are good for young people and the planet.”

Email for more information. To apply click here.

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