Moray Council HQ

Coastal Change Plan to be developed for Kingston

Moray Council has agreed to allocate £160,000 of Scottish Government funding on a plan for the ongoing coastal erosion issues along the Moray coastline, including a plan in Kingston.

The funding must be used within the 2022/23 financial year and will contribute to the development and publishing of a plan to tackle the coastal erosion risk to the shingle bank, which has resulted from sediment movements. Kingston is the area of coastline most active in Moray. The area is also a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and a Special Area of Conservation (SAC), which means there are restrictions on the type of works that can be undertaken there.

Despite a shift in the shingle bank following storms in late 2021, the circumstances at Kingston do not currently meet the criteria for undertaking works, as set out in the Council’s erosion policy. Allocating the Scottish Government Coastal Change Adaptation Plan funding means a plan can be developed in readiness for future capital budget availability.

Following Moray Council’s Economic Development and Infrastructure Committee decision to approve the funding allocation, Chair of the committee, Cllr Graham Leadbitter, says it will be welcomed by Kingston residents.

“The council has been regularly monitoring this area of coastal erosion, and the allocation of this additional funding from the Scottish Government will enable the council to carry out a more detailed assessment and develop a Coastal Change Adaptation plan.

“Clearly being able to put meat on the bone of what may be required will be very useful when it comes to opportunities to draw down further coastal protection funding.

“Developing a plan to deal with what is an obviously concerning situation for local residents gets any actions ready so they’re shovel-ready when capital budget becomes available.”

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