Cllr Graham Leadbitter close

Councillor resignation in Elgin City South

Elgin City South Councillor, Graham Leadbitter (SNP), has confirmed his resignation from Moray Council.

Following his recent election to the UK Parliament, Cllr Leadbitter confirmed at today’s (13 August) full council meeting that he would be standing down from the local authority from (and including) 14 August 2024.

Cllr Leadbitter’s resignation means a by-election will be held on Thursday 7 November, full details to follow with the notice of election in September.

Cllr Leadbitter said: “To serve as a Councillor for Elgin was an immense privilege that brought with it great opportunities and experience I'll take with me in my new role representing this vibrant constituency in parliament.

“It’s a sad day to leave the council after 17 years, a personal highlight of which was being honoured to lead the council between 2018-2022, but I’m relishing the privilege that was placed on me by the electorate in last month’s general election to serve them in a new way.

"I will of course continue to work with councillors of all parties and with council officers on a wide range of local issues where in many cases there will be common ground.

“I’ll work hard, as I did in Council, to promote our area, tackle the everyday challenges people face, and I look forward to continuing to stand up for each and every one of my new constituents in the years to come.”

Current Moray Council Leader, Cllr Kathleen Robertson, recognised Cllr Leadbitter’s service to the local authority: “We all send Cllr Leadbitter on his way with the best of wishes and recognise the 17 years of dedication he has given to Moray Council. I look forward to continuing to work with him as our local MP and won’t hesitate to call on him to collaborate on issues where we have shared goals.”

Contact Information

Moray Council Press Office