An exterior photograph of Forres Academy with a big expanse of deep blue sky and some bare beech trees in the distance.

Forres Academy RAAC recovery update

Moray Council’s Education, Children’s and Leisure Services Committee today (Tuesday 28 November 2023) received an update on the Forres Academy Reinforced Autoclaved Aeriated Concrete (RAAC) contingency and recovery planning.

Following the discovery of RAAC in Forres Academy in July, work has been ongoing to ensure continuity of education. A plan for phases of work was developed and agreed by Moray Council’s estates team and Forres Academy’s Senior Leadership Team, which aims to recover teaching space to original levels.

Phase two of this work was completed during the October holidays, addressing the RAAC issue in the roof area above the connecting space between the main entrance corridor, the assembly hall and dining hall, providing access again to the gym and music/drama auditorium.

Phase three is currently underway and focuses on recovery of classrooms. These works will recover larger areas of technical spaces on the first floor, allowing practical science classes to be taught within the school again. It’s hoped that full use of this space will be available for the 2024/25 academic year.

Once phase three works are complete, assessment of any further teaching space requirements will be carried out. These will be relatively minor and can be done during the 2024 summer holiday.

The estimated total cost to Moray Council for the structural engineering, design, construction, and monitoring costs is £624,000.

Following the successful bid for Learning Estate Investment Programme Phase 3 funding, with the new school due to be operational by December 2027, this investment will allow the current building to remain functional until this time.

Unavoidably, some disruption to education resulted in minimal school closures, a temporary move to remote learning and some practical classes currently being delivered in other schools. Senior leaders in the school are monitoring and reviewing the learning for all pupils and are proactively looking at solutions and support to combat any lost time or learning.

Discussions are ongoing with SQA about how any loss of learning will affect pupils during the exam period. More information regarding this will be issued to parents, carers, and pupils soon.

Chair of Moray Council’s Education, Communities and Leisure Services Committee, Cllr Kathleen Robertson, said: “I would like to commend both the pupils and staff of Forres Academy for their response to the ongoing RAAC situation at Forres Academy. Pupils have shown great resilience and have adapted incredibly well during this difficult time. The entire staff team have worked tirelessly to ensure continuation of education and have truly shown their commitment and professionalism throughout an extremely unsettling period.”

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