Greenwards Primary School inspection report published
Education Scotland inspectors have praised the welcoming and confident pupils at Greenwards Primary School in their latest report of the school.
Pupils were found to be confident, capable and well-spoken, as well as respectful, kind and incredibly proud of their school.
Students also showed a strong sense of respect and kindness towards each other, with older pupils excelling in their roles as buddies and mentors to younger ones.
The report commends teachers and senior leaders who are clearly focused on providing a nurturing and calm learning atmosphere for all pupils. It also highlights the staff's efforts in creating an inclusive, welcoming, and supportive environment.
Because teachers use an approach to learning through play, pupils are able to be creative, independent, and curious. Teachers also motivate pupils by providing opportunities to explore their interests and make choices about how and what they learn.
Teachers at Greenwards Primary were encouraged to continue enhancing the quality of learning, teaching, and assessment by ensuring that lessons and activities are well-matched to meet the diverse needs of all students.
Two of the quality indicators focused on were learning, teaching and assessment; and raising attainment and achievement.
Both indicators were rated as ‘satisfactory’, indicating that the school is meeting the standards of learning and teaching. However, continued efforts to enhance the quality of learning and teaching are needed to further raise attainment in literacy and numeracy to achieve the best outcomes for all pupils.
The inspection also highlighted the leadership of Deputy Head Teachers Letitia McKenzie and Jennifer McKenzie, who effectively guided the school through the inspection.
Letitia McKenzie said: “We’re very pleased with the inspectors’ positive feedback, which highlights the dedication of our staff and pupils.”
While Jennifer McKenzie added: “We’re committed to maintaining a supportive environment and have already begun working on the areas for improvement to help all our pupils achieve their full potential.”
Moray Council’s Chief Education Officer, Vivienne Cross, commented: “It’s great to see the inspectors acknowledge the many strengths of Greenwards Primary School. The caring and inclusive environment created by the staff is clearly shown in how confident and respectful the pupils are.
“The school has already started working on the areas mentioned in the report alongside their new Headteacher, showing their commitment to making sure all pupils do their best.”
The full report can be found on Education Scotland’s website