Steven Dunbar and daughter, Katie, with laptops set out on table

Keith businessman helps students with remote learning technology

Keith businessman Steven Dunbar, director of Clan Partners, turned helping local school pupils into a family project after watching a TV programme on home learning.

As a father of two teenagers, Katie and Lily, who attend Keith Grammar School, Steven was aware of the challenges of remote learning, particularly for pupils who had limited access to computers.

Steven, a former IT Manager, sourced laptops from three other businesses he shares a building with and set about refurbishing 13 laptops with his daughters over the course of a weekend. Learning how to format, rebuild and install software and accounts onto each laptop, followed by an anti-bacterial clean, the family were delighted to hand over the equipment to Keith Grammar School last month.

Steven Dunbar said his actions were prompted by seeing different remote learning experiences: “I had seen a programme where pupils were struggling to complete their coursework on a mobile phone. I didn’t think this was fair and knew it probably wasn’t the only place this was happening in.

“I’d like to thank Andy Weir at GQS; Fiona Wallis at Global Resources; and Craig Phillips at Granite Recruitment for their very kind donations of laptops. Without their contributions this project would not have been possible and if it helps just one pupil the whole project has been worthwhile.

“My daughters have learned some great skills along the way and have helped their peers from school, I’m just glad I’ve been able to do something to help at a difficult time for many people.”

Kevin Pirie, Deputy Head of Keith Grammar School and DYW lead says the 13 laptops are being used to support young people to access their online learning, whilst we are in lockdown.

“As a school and an authority, we’ve been supporting pupils and providing IT equipment anyway, but this obviously helps even further. Having an extra device in the household provides a great support for families. One inspirational thought and act of kindness can make all the difference.

“We’re very grateful for the kind donation of laptops from Steven and his colleagues. It's fantastic to be part of such a supportive community where everyone is trying to help our young people become the best that they can be. I’m excited about the opportunities we can bring to our young people through working closely with these partners in the future.”

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