Wee red monopoly house sits on a stack of three pound coins, which sit on top of a paper council tax bill.

Moray Council sets Council Tax rates until 2028

Moray Council has set its 2025-26 Council Tax and agreed indicative Council Tax rates until 2027 to assist with more sustainable financial planning.

The increase of 10% in 2025/26; further indicative increases of 10% in 2026/27; and 6% in 2027/28 was approved at a full council meeting today (Wednesday 26 February 2025).

This is an annual increase of £143.07 on a Band D property or £2.75 a week.

Around 80% of Moray Council’s budget comes from the grant awarded by the Scottish Government with the remaining 20% coming from Council Tax, income generation and other charges. The approved increase in Council Tax will increase the amount levied by £5.5m in 2025/26.

The longer-term approach to financial planning aims to recover the position lost by the Council Tax freeze imposed in previous years and a reduction in real-terms to the council’s grant. A previous budget survey of residents indicated a 9% average increase in Council Tax would be acceptable to respondents to alleviate pressures on services.

Council Leader, Cllr Kathleen Robertson, said of the increase: “Moray Council has made £68m of savings since 2010 and it’s increasingly difficult to continue to deliver statutory services while constantly making savings. This leaves us with little option but to increase charges to avoid further service reductions or even higher levels of savings.

“I know this won’t be a popular decision but it’s necessary to continue to provide statutory, never mind optional, services. Making the decision now for future years is also useful for the council to plan but so residents know what’s coming down the line as well. It may be small comfort now but I hope it alleviates some stress in future years by avoiding the unknown.”

Under Section 93 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, Moray Council has set the 2024/25 Council Tax for each chargeable dwelling as follows:


Council Tax 2024/25

Council Tax 2025/26

Band A



Band B



Band C



Band D



Band E



Band F



Band G



Band H



These amounts do not include charges for water or waste water, which are collected alongside Council Tax on behalf of Scottish Water, nor do they take into account any Council Tax Reduction, discount or exemption to which individual Council Tax payers may be entitled.

Information can be found on Moray Council’s website on eligibility and how to apply for Council Tax Reductiondiscount or exemption.

Contact Information

Moray Council Press Office
