Moray Council to consult on the closure of Crossroads Primary School
Moray Council’s Education, Children’s and Leisure Services Committee has today (Tuesday 17 September) agreed to start a statutory consultation on the proposal to close Crossroads Primary School.
The Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 requires that local authorities undertake a formal consultation process whenever changes are proposed to the school estate, including the proposed closure of a school.
The statutory consultation must run for at least 30 days during term time and will ensure that any concerns or questions regarding the proposal can be addressed.
The consultation on the closure of Crossroads Primary School will run from Monday 23 September until Friday 15 November. Local residents are invited to participate in an online survey to share their views and opinions.
A parents’ meeting and a public meeting will be planned on Monday 21 October and Tuesday 22 October respectively. The exact timings and locations for these meetings will be agreed with relevant stakeholders.
An online meeting will also take place on Wednesday 23 October, if requested. Please email learningestate@moray.gov.uk if you would like to join the meeting.
Crossroads Primary School is a remote rural school which is part of the Keith Associated Schools Group (ASG). Moray Council agreed on 28 September 2022 to temporarily mothball the school from 9 January 2023 due to the roll falling below the minimum 15 pupils as set out in council policy.
Since the school has been mothballed, there have been three requests from parents to enrol their children at Crossroads, bringing the school roll to seven. Consequently, the school has remained mothballed.
A report outlining responses to the statutory consultation will be considered by the Education, Children’s and Leisure Services Committee at its meeting in February 2025.
Chair of the Education, Children’s and Leisure Services Committee, Cllr Kathleen Robertson, said: “Thinking about closing a school is never easy, especially when it’s been an important part of our community. The consultation process will help us gather views from everyone affected so that we can make the right decision for the children and the community.
“I encourage everyone in the Crossroads area to get involved in the consultation and share their opinions. It’s important for us to hear from you and make sure your voice is the part of the decision-making process.”
Documents relating to the Crossroads Primary School closure consultation, including a link to the survey, will be available on the Moray Council website from Monday 23 September.
Press interested in attending the engagement sessions should contact pr@moray.gov.uk to make arrangements.