Moray Council to fund further Cloddach Bridge studies
Following a pre-feasibility study into the viability, Moray Council has decided to fund the full business case required to further work to repair the Cloddach Bridge, near Birnie.
This overturns a decision made by the Economic Development and Infrastructure Services Committee on 7 February 2023 not to progress the project further.
On 15 March 2023, the UK Government announced £1.5m grant funding for the repair of Cloddach Bridge would be available subject to a number of conditions. These conditions include a full business case submission and match funding of 50% being identified.
The pre-feasibility study considered four options to reopen the bridge to vehicular traffic. The consultant tasked with the work has estimated the capital cost of each option using average construction costs for the UK and adding other considerations. The options range from a bridge for pedestrians and cyclists only at £830,078 to repairing the existing bridge at £4.3m or building a new bridge ranging from £3m-4m.
Leader of Moray Council, Cllr Kathleen Robertson, said: “The strength of feeling on both sides of the decision on this within the council chamber was clear, which made this a tough decision for elected members in the current financial context.
“The community raising £120,000 and further clarification from the UK Government on the criteria for the bridge both in design and timescales contributed to the decision taken today to progress this work.
“I look forward to seeing the full business case come before council as it was clear from today’s discussions that elected members, and I know the community feel the same, are keen to see progress on this issue that has been on the agenda for some time now.”