Lord Lieutenant Seymour Monro with the Duke of Rothesay meeting Burghead Primary School pupils in 2023.

Moray Lord- Lieutenant’s Christmas Message 2023

This time last year we were still remembering the recent passing of our late Queen. This year we have had the joy of The King and Queen’s Coronation and all the celebratory activities around that amazing weekend in May.

It was wonderful to welcome The Prince and Princess of Wales, The Duke and Duchess of Rothesay, to Moray last month. It was a lovely occasion which highlighted the tremendous work done by Outfit Moray for children, and also the various issues facing farmers today - especially mental health.

There are many outstanding charitable and voluntary organisations working throughout our communities in Moray. And many people do so much not only for their more vulnerable members but also to hold fun events for the benefit of their communities and visitors. This is who we are in Moray: we look out for each other and extend the hand of friendship to our visitors such as the Ukrainian families and the Asylum seekers. And, let us all fly Moray’s new community flag wherever we can with pride!

Our emergency services also play a large part in making this a good and safe place to live and work. We thank them all.

It is important to recognise people and organisations who do things for others. This year 6 individuals have received honours from The King; we had representatives at The Coronation and the concert which followed; we had a Coronation Champion. Many enjoyed –or perhaps endured – a very wet Garden Party at Holyroodhouse; and some have just attended The Princess of Wales’ Carol service in Westminster Abbey. ReBoot of Forres have been awarded one of the first King’s Awards for Voluntary Service which they hugely deserve. Many others have been recognised with local awards.

At this time of year it is important to remember our Armed Forces, many of whom have been deployed on operations in hostile situations and some will be deployed over Christmas. We thank all ranks of 39 Engineer Regiment, RAF Lossiemouth and the Reserves for what they do around the globe and to keep us safe in the UK.

The economic and energy situation continues to make life challenging and winter has stared its cold chill. Many families are struggling often despite government and council benefits and grants. They need support from our local charities and amongst those is The Moray Community Foundation, launched in April and modelled on the most successful Moray Emergency Relief Fund. It welcomes applications.

Many Churches play their part in helping with food, clothing and other activities and of course they are to the fore delivering happy and reflective services at this time of year. I was pleased to visit the Moray Interfaith Group recently and learnt about the many faiths who are working together and I hope they will become even more active in the future.

Christmas is the time to celebrate the birth of Christ. It is the time for all of us to reinforce our spirit of goodwill towards friends and neighbours throughout our communities.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.

Major General Seymour Monro, Lord – Lieutenant of Moray.

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Moray Council Press Office
