Moray school leaver attainment is celebrated
Moray councillors have acknowledged the progress in school leaver attainment in 2022/23 at a meeting of the Education, Communities, and Leisure Services Committee today (Tuesday 14 May).
Figures show Moray remains above the national benchmark comparator in literacy and numeracy at SCQF level 4 and level 5 for a second year in a row.
The number of school leavers who moved on to a positive destination remains in line with the national benchmark, with 95% of pupils entering employment or going on to Further and Higher Education.
Work continues with key partners including Skills Development Scotland and DYW Moray to support learners to take up opportunities to progress on to chosen post-school pathways based on individual wishes, skills and talents.
Depute Chair of Moray Council’s Education, Communities and Leisure Services Committee, Cllr Bridget Mustard, said: “I’m pleased to see a continued positive trend in attainment amongst our school leavers’. The hard work and dedication from all education staff across Moray, alongside the efforts from pupils to continue to improve is evident.
“We look forward to continuing to work with key partners to build on this positive progress and ensure all young people achieve their full potential.”