Adjusting electric bike seat

New Active Travel Hub for Moray

The brand new Cooper Park Active Travel Hub opens on 4 March 2023 in the Elgin park.

The launch, between 12-3pm, will include refreshments, challenge obstacle courses, bike maintenance check and a bike smoothie maker.

The hub, opposite the playpark, will offer a range of active travel activities including ebike loan schemes; 1:1 sessions; led bike rides; knowledge and support for new riders; confidence building sessions; bike maintenance checks; and Health Walks.

Open to the public two days a week and every second Saturday, future opening times will be updated monthly via the Cycling UK Moray Facebook page. All ages and abilities are welcome to visit the hub and attend the launch.

It will also focus on promoting accessible and inclusive cycling and walking opportunities, while looking for new partnership opportunities and collaborations with local organisations and community groups.

The hub is funded by Paths for All, Smarter Choices Smarter places grant funding and delivered on behalf of Moray Council by Cycling UK.

Email: or ring 07747431650 for details.

Contact Information

Moray Council Press Office