Forres Academy sign cropped

Site of new Forres Academy chosen

Moray councillors have today (Wednesday 22 May) agreed to progress with the Roysvale/Applegrove playing fields as the preferred site of the new Forres Academy.

This follows the recommendation from last week’s Education, Communities and Leisure Services (ECLS) Committee.

Alongside the recommendation, a feasibility study which pulled together work from independent professional consultancy organisations and the analysis of the public online and paper survey result were considered.

Following the decision, the Roysvale/Applegrove site will be subject to a consultation on the common good land and a full planning process, including structural, environmental and community considerations.

Forres Academy was selected for the third phase of funding as part of the £2 billion Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP). The programme is jointly funded by Scottish and Local Government and will aim to see the new build school open to pupils by January 2028.

A list of frequently asked questions can be found online regarding the project. These are updated on a regular basis and will cover any queries or concerns, including addressing matters such as flooding, drainage, impact from the build and management of construction.

Moray Council Leader, Kathleen Robertson, said: “There’s been a considerable amount of public interest around the future site of Forres Academy, and rightfully so. Ensuring our young people have access to the best educational opportunities and high-quality learning facilities is incredibly important and the decision made today is a step forward in bringing that to life for Forres Academy.

“I would like to thank everyone who shared their views through the survey and for all the officers working on this project, as a council we are committed to achieving a learning estate which supports excellence and equity for all.”

To keep up to date with the new Forres Academy build please visit the learning estate webpage.

Contact Information

Moray Council Press Office