Marie Third (left) who won 1st prize in the Most Distance Covered category of the Speyside Challenge, covering 342.5kms on foot, stops for a breaks at a river's edge with her running friend.

Speyside Challenge winners announced

Winners of Moray Council’s September Speyside Challenge have been revealed.

The Speyside Challenge competition aimed to help lower carbon emissions in the area and highlight the great paths network in Speyside.

Participants logged their journeys along an upgraded section between Craigellachie and Cragganmore on the Speyside Way route with the most journeys, or the most distance covered, by foot or bike winning.

A total of 2,427km was logged - almost 100km more than last year. And a total of 236 journeys were recorded, with 35 challengers involved.

Twelve prizes including Moray Loves Local gift cards, valued up to £45, were up for grabs.

Marie Third won 1st prize in the Most Distance Covered category, covering 342.5kms on foot.

Janet Morgan won 1st prize in the same category, cycling a total of 409km.

Marion Duncan from Carron won 1st prize in the Most Journeys Logged category, covering 89km on foot, with 47 journeys recorded.

Duncan Jagger won 1st prize in the same category, cycling a total of 269km, with 31 journeys recorded.

Chair of the Economic Development & Infrastructure Services Committee, Cllr Marc Macrae, said it was an impressive set of results for the Speyside residents: “A huge thanks to everyone who got involved in the Speyside Challenge, not only have they achieved incredible scores but they’ve helped to promote an important active travel route in Speyside that can reduce carbon emissions from daily travel.”

Click here for full list of prize winners.

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Moray Council Press Office