Aerial view of St Gerardine Primary School, featuring its red and white buildings. The scenic coastline and sandy beach can be seen in the background.

St Gerardine Primary School inspection report released

St Gerardine Primary School has received high praise from Education Scotland inspectors for creating a positive and supportive learning environment.

The school’s dedicated staff and respectful pupils were commended for their commitment to the school’s values and for fostering kindness and respect throughout the school community.

The inspectors highlighted the strong leadership of the Headteacher and senior staff, noting their effective support in guiding teachers and creating a nurturing environment where pupils feel valued.

The staff’s collaborative approach to tracking and monitoring each child’s progress has led to improved outcomes for all learners. The school was also praised for its excellent collaboration with a wide range of partner agencies, helping to enhance the learning experience.

However, the report identified a few areas for improvement. The school should focus on identifying and addressing gaps in pupils’ learning and experiences. The inspectors also recommended that teachers continue to develop thinking skills to further enhance children’s learning.

Additionally, the report emphasised the importance of teachers continuing to work together to improve whole-school approaches to raising attainment in writing. Senior leaders were encouraged to further track and monitor pupils' skills and achievements to identify and address any gaps in learning.

During the inspection, two key areas were evaluated: Learning, Teaching, and Assessment, and Raising Attainment and Achievement. Both areas were rated as ‘good.’

St Gerardine Primary’s Head Teacher, Claire Johnson, commented: “We’re really proud of what we’ve achieved as a school, and this report is a reflection of the hard work of our pupils, staff, and community. While we’re happy with the positive feedback, we’re always looking for ways to improve and will keep working to make sure every child succeeds.”

Moray Council’s Chief Education Officer, Vivienne Cross, said: “This inspection report reflects the hard work and dedication of staff and pupils at St Gerardine Primary School. The school’s commitment to providing a positive, nurturing environment for all learners is clear, and we’re pleased with the progress being made. We look forward to supporting the school in their continued development as they work on the areas for improvement identified in the report.”

The full report can be found on Education Scotland’s website.

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Moray Council Press Office