Trading Standards teams join national campaign to report scammers

Trading Standards teams join national campaign to report scammers

From our first purchase to our last, scammers are waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting, the vulnerable, the shopper short of time, the consumer looking for the bargain.

This month is National Scams Awareness Month and Moray Council’s Trading Standards team is joining the national campaign to send out a strong ‘beware of being scammed’ message.

Trading Standards manager, Peter Adamson, said scams come in all shapes and sizes.

“From the rogue trader charging for unwanted and badly done driveways to the fake, and potentially life threatening products, bought on-line, we all need to be aware of these scammers,” he said.

“Throw into that mix email scams with non-existent lottery wins that demand payment up front and are followed up by an endless stream of more and more threatening scam mail, and investment opportunities that are based on thin air and can rob someone of their life savings, and the picture becomes grim”.

Research has shown that 45 -60 year olds are most impacted, and by a wide range of scams, often loosing large amounts of money. But there is also a disturbing rise in the number of 18-24 year-olds being scammed – and this is the group least likely to report a scam. Further advice on how to avoid problems is available from Action Fraud -

The message of this year's Scams Awareness month is for everyone to play their part and act on scams.

Peter added: “We are calling on the public to report frauds to Action Fraud.

“With so many people being snagged by scammers there is no reason to be embarrassed – and every reason to report incidents and help put a stop to it.”

Moray Council area stretches from Tomintoul in the south to the shores of the Moray Firth, from Keith in the east to Forres in the west. The council and its 4,500 employees respond to the needs of 95,510 residents in this beautiful part of Scotland, which nestles between Aberdeenshire and the Highlands.

Famous for its colony of dolphins, fabulous beaches and more malt whisky distilleries than any where else in Scotland, Moray is a thriving area and a great place to live.

Headquartered in  Elgin, the administrative capital of Moray.

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