
Petition process for young people simplified in Moray

Moray Council has updated its petitions process to make it more user friendly for young residents in the area.

In December 2022, Moray Council introduced an e-petition option for Moray residents looking to raise concerns with the council. It was identified at this time that, due to the requirement for people signing the petition to be on the electoral register, it was difficult for young people to raise a valid petition with the local authority.

Now it’s easier than ever for young people to engage directly with Moray Council via the petition process by getting 20 or more signatories for their petition, which can be verified by someone from their school or community group. Guidance and a petition template have also been created for ease of use and will be available online.

Leader of Moray Council, Cllr Kathleen Robertson, said: “While the Council can only consider issues it has responsibility for or relates to a service it provides, we’re keen to see younger people engage with us on the local issues that are important to them.

“Making it easier to complete a petition to the council opens a much more user-friendly option for a whole new generation of Moray’s young people.”

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Moray Council Press Office