Looking down the street along Moray Council's HQ in Elgin. Leaves are turning orange on several small trees that line the avenue.

Update on Moray Council’s energy strategy and actions

An annual report on Moray Council’s energy strategy and actions shows an overall reduction in water and energy consumption in its buildings, by 3.4% and 7% respectively, on last year.

This is equivalent in monetary savings to more than £225,000.

The energy savings were reported to members of the council’s Economic, Development and Infrastructure Services Committee on 14 November 2023.

The paper shows carbon emissions from energy used in council buildings are also down, by 8%.

Ongoing energy-saving projects within the council, including updating heating controls and replacing water taps and boilers, and lights with LED bulbs, have helped to lower the council’s carbon footprint.

At the same time, the local authority saw a rise in its electricity consumption, by 1%.

This is being attributed to a continued return to office-based work and to a rise in computing and other electrical equipment coming online. Electricity consumption savings from energy initiatives will be seen over the current and subsequent years.

In other news, the local authority is applying for a grant from Scotland’s Public Sector Heat Decarbonisation Fund.

This pot is in place to allow public sector organisations to carry out heat decarbonisation measures in their buildings, such as replacing oil-fired boilers with low carbon alternatives.

Economic, Development and Infrastructure Services committee chair, Cllr Marc Macrae, said: “This annual report shows some progress has been made by the council to cut its emissions, but we need to do more to reduce electricity consumption. We’ll continue to consider all necessary actions to cut our emissions further to tackle the climate emergency and achieve our net zero target.

“It’s unfortunate that while our relative costs will have reduced, the global rise in energy rates means that the cash implication to the council has gone in the opposite direction due to uncontrollable factors.”

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Moray Council Press Office
