2225 items found, showing page 171 of 186

Volunteer deadline extended for twin programmes
More volunteers are being sought to help deliver the next LEADER and Fisheries programmes in Moray which are funded by the European Union and Scottish Government to the amount of £3.8 million.

Job club volunteers
Volunteers are being sought to help run the job clubs at Forres and Keith libraries.

‘Spring and Autumn’ in Hopeman
A new community project involving pupils from Hopeman Primary School and members of the local Be Active Life Long (BALL) group starts tomorrow.

Moray primary schools registration
Parents whose children will be starting primary school in Moray at the beginning of the new session in August are being reminded that tomorrow (Friday) is the deadline for registration.

Garmouth viaduct closure
The former railway viaduct spanning the River Spey at Garmouth is to be closed to walkers and cyclists for six weeks from next Monday.

Library talk by record-breaking cyclist
Record-breaking long distance cyclist Mark Beaumont is to give a talk about his exploits at Elgin library next month.

Cash for Moray schools from MoD fund
A number of schools in Moray are set to benefit from the Ministry of Defence’s education support fund.

Council leader seeks clarification of 'premature' comments by John Swinney
Following yesterday’s announcement of a proposed 18% Council Tax increase by the ruling coalition on Moray Council, its leader Cllr Stewart Cree is seeking clarification from Finance Secretary John Swinney.

Moray schools registration
Parents and carers are reminded that registration takes place next week for children who will be starting school at the beginning of the new session in August.

Comedian to speak at Moray carers' event
A comedian who has been carer to her two daughters is to deliver the keynote speech at an event in Elgin next month.

Moray Council payments systems
The public is being advised that the various systems for making payments to Moray Council will be unavailable from 1pm on Monday, January 18 until 1pm the following day.

Moray first Scottish council to propose council tax increase, pitched at up to 18%
Moray Council's administration group have proposed raising council tax by up to 18% to avoid cutting services. Note: background notes and pictures in resources section. Film of Cllr Cree speaking about the increase in 'related material' section.